Hire Slow, Fire Fast is Outdated Advice" alt="">

‘Hire Slow, Fire Fast’ is Outdated Advice


‘Hire Slow, Fire Fast’ is Outdated Advice

In the current job market, if you drag out the recruitment process you’re likely to lose out on the best people.

A bad hire can be catastrophic for your business so it pays to be thorough but “hire slow, fire fast” may no longer be the smartest way to recruit; especially if you’re working in an industry where talent is in short supply.

Leaps in technology and changing trends have transformed the modern workforce into one which is much more mobile and flexible. People are happier than they’ve ever been to switch jobs and working models are constantly being adapted to complement our lifestyles.

Home working, company culture, staff perks and a desire to align with your values all rate highly as staff motivators, so if you’re slow to respond to a potential new recruit you’ll convey the wrong impression from the start and it won’t take long for them to find something else.

In truth, there are two main reasons why the majority of recruitment processes grind to a halt – one is poor internal processes and the other is a lack of urgency.

A lot of employers have a view that people are queuing up to join them, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We are in a candidate’s market and, if you’re good, you will have plenty of options open to you.

So, while it might go against everything you’ve been told, creating a faster recruitment process could be the secret to hiring the best candidates; and there are several things you could be doing to speed things up.

Start by writing a very clear and honest job advert and description. The more transparent you are, the better suited your applicants will be.

Be more selective about the people you invite for an interview so you don’t waste anyone’s time, including your own.

Create a talent plan to match your long-term business goals. By identifying future people needs you can always be on the lookout for the right people to help you grow.

Build a clear picture of the perfect member of staff by considering your best employees’ characteristics and traits. If you know what makes a good team player, it will be much easier to find more of them.

Commit to the recruitment process and give it your full attention. Once you engage in a candidate-led market you need to find the time and make quick decisions. Everyone is busy, but the more time and importance you place on the process, the better results you will see.

Get expert help by finding the right recruitment partner that will allow you to capitalise on their market knowledge and expertise. A good recruiter will show you a constant duty of care, keeping the process moving, updating you and providing realistic guidance on the market and how you can attract top talent.

In my experience, the best people aren’t always actively looking for a new role and by building a strong partnership with an industry expert, you will be the first to know about the right people when they become available.

When it comes to finding a new job, great people always have options and there’s nothing worse than sending out a negative message during the recruitment process. If you like someone, don’t hesitate in inviting them for an interview or making an offer.

If you’ve been able to attract strong candidates, the worst thing you can do is go quiet after an interview. It doesn’t take long for someone to feel disengaged and look closer at other opportunities and silence often leaves people feeling like they weren’t the right person for the job, even when that’s not necessarily the case.

There’s no doubt that hiring managers are very busy, and often under added pressure from covering the job they need to fill but by prioritising hiring activity – and making it fast and effective – you will get the right candidate in a short time frame, which will free up a lot of valuable time to focus on other business-critical issues.


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