Are you Ready to Change Job?" alt="">

Are you ready to change job?


Are you ready to change job?

There can be any number of reasons to kick start a new job search but, whatever the trigger, the most important thing to do is to understand your motivation for change.

It might sound obvious but in order to find the right move you need to be clear about what matters most in the long-term; and what you believe is missing from your current role.

If you find yourself in the position where you’re continuously unhappy, before spending hours updating your CV (something a good recruiter will help you with!), I’d suggest you take a few moments to ask yourself four seemingly simple questions:
• What is it you are good at?
• What are you passionate about?
• What do you like about your current job?
• What is important to you inside and out of work?

In truth, each question is deep and it’s important to be honest with yourself. Equally, don’t be afraid to take the time you need to come up with your answers, especially if you’ve never asked yourself these before.

The knowledge and insight this exercise brings will almost certainly be worth any wait. The ideal result is that your aspirations and drivers match your strengths. If that is the case, then choosing the best path forward should be fairly straightforward.

If, however, you’re not that fortunate, armed with a new understanding of your motivations, the next step is to contemplate why you feel so miserable at work.

Usually, being unhappy comes down to one of three things: people, your role, or the environment. If this is the case, then I have good news. These are all common causes which have the potential to be improved through an open dialogue with your employer.

Having said that, an internal conversation isn’t guaranteed to solve your problems so, if you’re still failing to move things forward positively after that, then I would say the time has come to begin exploring the job market.

To be successful, research is key. Start by making a list of the pros and cons. Decide the nice to have’s and the non-negotiables and begin your investigation.

Changing job is an emotional time and, if you have sought-after skills in the current market, it’s highly likely you will be invited for an interview and offered a new job quickly. You need to be prepared for this, as you don’t want to look back with regret at a move that was made too quickly or dismissed without due consideration.

In summary, we spend half our waking life at work, so job satisfaction should always be a priority. If you aren’t happy, it’s time to weigh up your options but, at the same time, I’d always encourage you to think carefully before you act.

Of course, people can grow out of even the best jobs over time and sometimes you need a change or a new challenge to reinvigorate yourself but, whenever you feel a career itch, make sure you pause to consider – or revisit – these questions.

Not only will they bring clarity to your planning they will also prepare you psychologically. All too often people join the job market ill-equipped and when the time comes to move, it’s too much too soon.

An ensuing counter-offer flatters and puts doubt in an uncertain mind and, if you haven’t got the strength of character or the courage of your convictions, the result for you is a withdrawn resignation and a damaged reputation with all involved.

Put simply, you need to know what you want and be prepared to take the leap of faith when it’s offered. There is always an element of risk with anything new but understanding what drives you and how you feel about your current role, employer and future prospects is the only way to find happiness at work.


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