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A Day in the Life


A Day in the Life

Bryony shares what it would be like to live a typical working day in her shoes.

The snooze button on my phone was my favourite thing until we got a dog in July and I’ve been forced to change; especially if I want to squeeze exercise into my day! Now I’m up and out by 6.30am to get to the gym for an early morning spinning or boxercise class.

Back home the first thing I do is check my email and social media to catch up with the early morning business news. Then I get to take my gorgeous Labrador puppy – Buddy – for a walk.

The morning is a finely tuned operation, so while I’ve been out my husband will have made our children breakfast and got them ready for school. He usually drops them off on his way to work so, providing they’re on time, it means I’ve got the chance for a quick shower and to get ready for the day ahead.

The morning is a great time to meet people or go to networking events as it’s much less disruptive to your day. I’m a member of Durham Business Club, Service Network and the Entrepreneurs’ Forum, so if it’s not one of their events, a typical meeting could be with a client looking to expand their accounts team, discussing how to make the most of their recruitment opportunity, offering salary advice and agreeing how we can find and attract the best talent; giving me the rest of the day to work on their behalf.

A quick email check before jumping in the car and heading back to my office, often speaking to candidates on route to get their feedback on yesterday’s interviews.

Time to resource for new vacancies, conduct some preliminary telephone interviews, check my email and social media again and advertise new opportunities online.

Lunchtime is a great chance to chat with candidates who are considering a change. I like to meet everyone I recommend in person so I can get a feel for their character and ambition. Combined with experience, this helps me to match them to the right company and working culture.

The afternoon is where I catch up with my to-do-list. Typically I spend time resourcing new candidates, responding to emails, keeping my admin up-to-date and making some client calls; perhaps offering advice to someone facing a resignation or wanting to know more about current market salaries and candidate availability.

Luckily we have some help with school pick-up, so if I haven’t already collected our children I try to finish work at 5pm to spend some time with them and take them to whatever club they are at tonight; usually swimming, football, taekwondo or dancing.

Once my husband arrives home from work, one of us will walk the dog while the other gets the children fed, watered, washed and ready for bed.

It’s time to read stories and convince the children to go to sleep, while getting their bags and uniforms ready for the next day.

Candidates are at home in the evening and can speak freely, so most nights involve me offering advice, discussing potential opportunities or helping somebody prepare for an interview.

I never seem to have trouble filling my time with things to do and each day throws up something different, which is why I love it.

As far as coordinating work and my personal life goes, it’s not always easy. Both my husband and I work hard but we try to get a balance with family time and time for the two of us, even if it’s just to eat together each night!

It’s quite a balancing act, but I can’t sit still so I guess it’s about prioritising what’s important and makes us happy; and maybe trying to fit a little more sleep in somewhere if I can.


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